Emirates National School, Dubai
Al Barsha, Dubai, UAE
Knowledge Fund Association & KHDA
Project Scope
Concept Design & Feasibility Study
The Future School master plan advances the idea of a Modular versatile prototype school that will serve the needs of a K-12 population. The Future School is an ambitious undertaking.
Our proposal reconciles two central design issues: first, the needs of the individual student to experience a supportive environment and personal sense of place within a larger whole, and second, accommodating the desire to take advantage of economies of scale inherent in large scale facilities, and the practicality of a flexible, universal design that can be applied to a variety of sites and circumstances. To bridge these scales and requirements, we have planned our school as one would a small town or city neighborhood with a series of geographic centers or “squares” and “monuments:’ with a connecting grid of major “avenues” and connecting “streets”. The three major program components are organized in three clearly identified zones or bands separated by internal streets.
The classrooms are grouped in the two outer bands while the Central facilities are in the middle band. The resulting plan is a town grid of connecting streets which allows the “plug in” of large and small-scale elements. The most important of these building blocks, is the student “house’. The design of these houses are single sided classroom corridor buildings between one and two stories tall, grouped around courtyards. These outdoor spaces are both open to the sky or shaded.